"No Blacks, no Jews, no Democrats" "Only a traitor changes boats mid-stream" "Only republican votes"
"You're Either With US or You're With The TERRORISTS!"
"Doing all you can, brother?"
Yes, all of these ads are pretty old, because they are from war. The point is, they're all saying the same thing. We need you. They say that we need your support, and they take you on somewhat of a guilt trip. "If you're a true American, you'll do what we ask for help" is what all of these sound like to me. But nevertheless, they are all good examples of Patriotism advertisements. The video embedded below is also a great example.
Budweiser's Commercial - Welcome Home Troops
It's pretty self-explanatory, it's welcoming home our troops, and thanking them for all that they do.
Also, here's another one that says you're proud to be an American -
"This Bud's for all that you do, you keep America going!"
They show all of these typical "American" jobs, workers, and even cowboys!